Legacy Grove - Lot 486
Lot Premium -

Lot size: .34

Lot Size: 100x150

Available plans for Pre-sales:

Planner to verify plan fits and that homes surrounding are different.

LotBase Plan Price
HighPoint B$524,900
Bellewood B$524,900
Charleston A$529,900
Arlington B$534,900
Flagstaff B$537,900
Williamson B$538,900
Augusta E$539,900
Cambridge E$544,900
Trenton C$569,900
Sedona A$571,900
Timberland C$579,900
Durham B$579,900
Wilson A$579,900
Alexandria B$584,900
Manchester E$591,900
Foresthill E$594,900
McKinley A$599,900
Huntington B$604,900
Greendale E$614,900
Timberridge C$619,900
Thomasdale D$619,900
Brookside B$624,900
Greenland D$649,900
MountainBrook B$654,900
Greenhill D$659,900
Thomashill D$669,900
Winchester C$689,900
Thorton B$689,900
Greenridge C$694,900

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Sales and New Home Coordinator:

Alabama Builders #:  23623

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